Now that the pitch is out there, delivered and received, only thing we can do is wait!
Or I can give a bit of an insight on the Behind the scenes. Lets just say, it was a long wait full of tingling anticipation, plenty of forethought and enough preparation. Touch ups, repeating over and over again led us to this moment. We decided to keep it clear and brief, yet sincere and thorough.
All I can say is that this was one of the few most productive and rewarding experiences so far. We went in early, discussed the synergy, order of delivery and reviewed the presentation layout one last time.
As result of our work we received as immensely satisfying feedback. We had our lows in the aspect, but in comparison we had a great amount of highs. Despite all the work we put into the finished product, it was still surprising in the best way possible.
The biggest thing for me was the response complimenting the passion fueling the faith we have in our game.
Throughout these few months I got to understand the true meaning of having something you believe in and worked hard on, be evaluated positively.
This couldn't have been accomplished in any way without the help of the entire team.
To start off we had the chance to focus solely on our Design Document.
As a followup to last week we had all our segments completed and ready to be assembled like a well crafted wedding cake.
Connor came in with a neatly laid out story and introduction sections. Euan had an in depth UI/Costs overview. I had the art completed and inserted, the main mechanics of both enemies and heroes, different enemy overview and a fair amount of level layout and design.
After mashing all this together and creating the largest document I have been a part of, reviewed it as a whole and touched up the design (to make it look as enjoyable, yet professional as possible), we were finally done.
I am most definitely happy with the progress made until this point. Knowing that we are almost done and this game being that bit closer to becoming a reality, is incredible. Going through the Design Document there are still newer and newer ideas flowing in. The funny thing is that as long and detailed as it is, I can clearly see how many more improvements and additions can be added.
Of course, I understand that this pales in comparison to some of the much more professional examples we had in the beginning (and throughout) the module. But despite this, I couldn't be happier with the work done up to this point.
Now we are off to our pitch. The part I am not confident enough in.
We decided to continue with the same concept as with the document. Knowing our jobs and having all the reference to them as we need, the team is ready to get rehearsing.